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Captain Osborne Samuel Delano Osborne 1834 - 1902

The funeral took place on Monday 10 November at St Edmunds Church, Wootton; he had died the previous Wednesday at Underwood, Woodside, aged 68 years.

There was a large congregation assembled at the church to pay their respects to a well remembered member of the community. The Rev. Dr. Coleman assisted by the Rev. Thompson of Havenstreet conducted the funeral service. The surpliced choir chanted Psalms and sang 'Brief life is here our portion' and 'On the resurrection morning'. The organist played the Dead March as the coffin was borne to the graveside.

The polished oak coffin with brass mountings had a brass plate carrying the following inscription:

  • Osborne Samuel Delano Osborne
  • Died November 5 1902
  • Aged 68 years

The chief mourners were his wife and his two sisters, nephew, Col. Miles (brother in law) and two sisters in law. In addition to others there was General Berthon and Capt. Dudley Boger.

The Island and Wootton were well represented with Mr Brodie, Miss Denison, Lady Adela Cochrane, Miss Shedden and Col. Cuthell, together with others representing organisation within the village. A total of 40 mourners are listed together with servants from the house.

The Captain was very active within the village and the organisation represented at his funeral gives an indication of the respect in which he was held.

Source: Isle of Wight County Press

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:41

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