The First Steam Train to Run to Ryde Pier, 27th February 1880.
On Friday the first train ran from St John’s Station through the newly built tunnel to the end of the finished section of Ryde Pier. The government inspector Mr. Yolland witnessed the test run and then inspected the track and gave his approval. Except for a few outstanding issues between the Corporation and the Joint Railway Companies the line is ready for use.

It took the train two and a half minutes from St John’s station to the pier gates and the return journey was made in two minutes. The signalling and points system have be installed by Messrs Saxby and Farmer of London. It is hoped that the new service will be in operation by the first of March, or shortly afterwards, subject to all outstanding issues being resolved.
The superintendent representing the two railway companies involved has appointed a number of the Pier Company staff, to carry out duties on the pier when the service starts. Unfortunately not all former staff were offered jobs.
Source: County Press, 28th February 1880
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