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School Report November 1944

National School, New Road, Wootton

Dear Sir (Madam),

I would first like to pay tribute to Miss Scott who managed the School so well before I took over the duties of Headmaster.

School Dinners. The central kitchen is to be congratulated on the high standard of dinners supplied in both quality and quantity.

Milk. I have made arrangements now for early delivery of milk, so that children may have it for morning break. Over 30 pints are consumed each day.

Tests. Have been concluded prior to half term, the next series will be in March.

Physical Training. In spite of coupon restriction (wartime clothing restriction - Editor), I hope every parent will try to dress each child properly for P.T. This safeguard against chills, for a child cannot healthily get hot in clothes he or she wears for the rest of the day.

Wireless Lessons. I have reconstructed the timetable to enable fourteen of the B.B.C. series of lessons to be taken, they are proving very popular and much good is being derived from them.

Rose Hips. Thanks are extended to those parents who assisted in the collection. Over 90 pounds in weight have been collected and sent to the W.V.S. centre. As there are over 500 rose hips to a pound, this is very creditable.

Ministry of Information Film Shows. We hope to repeat the very successful first show on the next circuit of the “M.O.I.” van.

Road Safety. A film from the above show, posters from “Child Safety Service” and talks by P.C. Eames have all helped to keep our children free from accidents.

School Health. Health is good and attendance excellent [95.1%].

Dental Service. Please send me a note in severe cases and I will arrange for attention as soon as possible.

School Badge. From suggestions of the children the following design has evolved; -
A steel [white] anchor on a green background in the form of a shield with an interwoven blue rope around the edge. Several parents have already worked the badge on blazer pockets.

Speech. A recent visit by one of His Majesty’s Assistant Inspectors revealed a school weakness, a measure of inarticulate speech to remove this weakness by making your child open the mouth wider and speaking more slowly.

Yours Sincerely,

A.J. Blundell
This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:46

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