v5.7 - 28th February Final version, over 400hrs in development. Site live date 2/3rd March. v5.6 - 25th February Final Beta version, tested in all browsers. v5.5 - February 2013 Continued development, added Google Adsense for reasons explained in the help page. v5.4 - 17th January 2013 Scrapped new layout!, started again with a condensed format index page. Changed colour scheme to blue. V5.3 - 28th December Added accesskey support for users with screen readers. V5.2 - December 2012 Added lightbox style menu and drop-shadow elements. Up-dated Google map support to V3. V5.1 - 16th October 2012 Changes to layout, added sliders and interactive dummy content. Changes to colour scheme, but retaining the overall colour scheme of version 4. V5.0 - September 2012 First draft of new webite layout written in HTML5 and CSS3.Increased width and provision for tablet and mobile viewing. V4.3 - May 2012 Added provision for cookie management. V4.2 - March 2011 Completely changed the menu system, now using a 'Mega Menu'. This gives quicker and improved access to the various sections and will allow further items to be added. The site will now display in legacy browsers such as IE6 (why are people still using this?) and below and performs better on mobile devices and tablets. Removed the 'brushed steel' look and added a grey gradient effect instead. This gives a cleaner look to the site. Other minor changes to layout. V4.1 - June 2010 Changes made to template. Large image removed from index page to improve load time, will clients ever listen? New design gives better access to content, incorporates a slide viewer to promote content. v4.0 - May 2010 Registered new domain woottonbridgeiow.org.uk and made first version of template. V3.0 - 2009: Third version made with XHTML and CSS, September 2009. V2.0 - 2008: Second version, not published. V1.0 - 2005: First published public version made with Microsoft "Front Page".